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October Thematic Exhibition: |
Immerse in Chinese Culture 閱讀中華 |
New Books Highlights |
Book Cover | Summary |
Chinese Menu: the history, myths, and legends behind your favorite foods Author: Grace Lin |
Subject: #Cooking
The origin stories of each Chinese dish are told using the framework of Chinese cuisine, often based on folklore, both ancient and contemporary. |
Chinese stories for language learners Author: Vivian Ling & Wang Peng |
Subject: #Short stories #Folklore--China
This book presents 22 classic Chinese proverbs and the traditional tales behind them. The stories are bilingual, with the Chinese and English versions on facing pages. Each includes an explanation of how the proverb is used today, cultural notes, vocabulary, and discussion questions. Audio recordings of the tales by native Mandarin speakers are included, allowing students to improve their pronunciation and comprehension. |
長安詩選Author: 追光動畫, 韓瀟著 |
Subject: #Chinese Poetry #Chinese Literature
收錄《長安三萬里》影片詩作,42首詩領略盛唐風采。 本書特邀青年學者韓瀟對《長安三萬里》電影中出現的42首經典詩歌進行解讀,並結合劇情撰寫獨家影話。讀者將隨著一首首詩漫遊唐朝,重新認識李白、高適、杜甫、王維等家喻戶曉的詩人與他們的文化精神。本書既是一部詩歌導讀,也是一部生動的「長安」史話,讀者在欣賞詩歌之美的同時,也能感受到唐朝的輝煌與魅力。 |
如果歷史是一群喵.13 :
Subject: #Chinese History
Charming comics come with referenced source materials - no made-up bits. It's all from proper historical documents! Brilliant explanatory appendices mean you can learn fascinating history through laid-back comics. Unwind and learn at the same time - it's a win-win! |
打開故宮Author: 躣然紙上 |
Subject: #Chinese History #Chinese Architecture #Forbidden City (Beijing, China)
探秘故宮系列Author: 故宮博物院宣傳教育部; 果美俠 |
Subject: #Chinese History #Chinese Architecture #Forbidden City (Beijing, China)
推出午門斬首」是真的嗎?皇帝「上朝」居然可能得頂風冒雨?你知道守護「金鑾殿」的神獸嗎?古代最高級別的考場在哪裡?你知道紫禁城建築上的報警器「石別拉」嗎? 本系列由故宮博物院專家編繪,內容上按照宮殿建築的分佈和不同功能區域,分為四冊: 1. 黃色外朝,介紹舉行朝會和盛大典禮的場所; 2. 紅色內廷後三宮,介紹帝后的居所; 3. 紫色內廷東西六宮,介紹妃嬪的居住場所; 4. 藍色內廷,介紹太上皇、皇太后的養老之處。 |
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