Below is the list of frequently asked questions that we receive.  If your questions are not listed and not covered on our website, please do not hesitate to contact our Admission Office at 2988 8123.


Q1. How old is the school?


The school was founded by the YMCA of Hong Kong in September 2003.


Q2. Where is your school located?


The school is located in Tung Chung (near Mun Tung Estate).  There are public transport services from Tung Chung MTR station to our school (Lantau bus no. 37 or 38X).  The school also provides bus services from Discovery Bay, Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Sham Tseng, Prince Edward and Kowloon Tong and also Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long line to the school.  


Q3. What are your school hours?


Students have lessons from 8:10am to 4:00pm on Monday to Friday.  All students are expected to be in school at 8:05am.  Extra lessons are sometimes scheduled after school and on Saturday mornings.


Q4. Is the school an international school?


The school is a Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) secondary school with English as the medium of instruction (EMI).  The YHKCC is not an international school as such, but does provide international style education.  Over 70% of the students in the junior forms are international students. 


In Forms 3 and 4, students follow an integrated curriculum, which combines the content both the Hong Kong curriculum (HKDSE) and IGCSE curriculum.  In Form 5 and 6, students can choose to continue with the Hong Kong curriculum leading to the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or apply to study GCE Advanced Levels. 


Q5. Where do students go to university?  


In the past years YHKCC graduates have been admitted into all of the top universities in Hong Kong, including The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Shue Yan University etc.  At the present time most of the students go to the university in Hong Kong, but a few go to university in the UK, the USA and Australia.  The proportion of students applying to universities overseas is expected to increase significantly over the next few years.


Q6. How many students are there in each class?


There are 24 - 28 students in each class.  For English, Mathematics and Languages, students are taught in smaller groups of about 20 students per set.  For elective subjects, there are usually fewer than 25 students in each set/group. 


Q7  How many teachers are there and what are their qualifications?


We have 93 teachers in the school.  All of them have at least a Bachelor's degree with more than 94% having professional training in teaching.  Many have a higher degree and some even have a doctorate.


Q8. My child does not know Chinese - Is this a problem?


No, students starting Form 1 can study local Chinese or Elementary Chinese. They will also study either French or Spanish as a third language. Local Chinese is for students who have already studied Chinese for 6 years or more.  Elementary Chinese (taught in Putonghua) is for students who have very little or no background in the Chinese language.


Q9.  Can my child apply to join any form?  


New students usually join the school in Form 1, but there are limited spaces in other year groups and all applicants will be considered.  Students joining Form 1 are usually about 12 years old.   


Q10. Can we visit your school?


Please call one of the Admission Officers, Ms. Bonnie Shing or Ms. Cherry Chen at 2988 8123 to make an appointment to visit the school during normal opening hours (Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm, Saturday 9:00am - 12:30pm).


Q11.  What is the deadline for applications?   Is there an interview for my child?


Applicants need to complete the application form and submit all relevant documents to the school. If the applicant meets the assessment criteria, an interview will be arranged for the student and her/his parents. A letter to parent regarding the interview date and time will be sent to parents. Admission interviews are usually scheduled in November, January, February, March or May, depending on the number of places left after each around. The application deadline for each round of admission interview is usually two weeks prior to the interview date, and will be announced on the school website.


Q12. When will I know whether my child will be accepted after the interview?


The results will be released to parents within one month after the date of the interview. A letter regarding the admission result will be sent to parents. Applicant needs to pay a non-refundable deposit to accept an offer. The deposit will be deducted from the school fee of September. Please note that students with student visa need to pay additional differentiation in addition to the school proposed school fee.


Q13. Does my child need to have visa before I submit the application?


No,  this is not necessary.  The application, together with all other required documents, can be submitted before the visa has been obtained.  A copy of the visa should be sent to the school when it has been issued by the Hong Kong government.  However, please note that a valid student or dependent visa must be in place prior to enrollment.


Q14.  Are there any admission criteria?


The admission criteria are as follows: performance in the interviews, academic results for the past two years, conduct, extra-curricular activities (such as music and performing arts etc), experiences in social services and any additional awards or achievements that the applicant may have.