The Annual School Fees For 2024-2025

An Application fee of HKD$100 must be paid when applying for a place in the YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College.


The annual school fees for the 2024 – 2025 school year are shown in the table below.


Form Local Students  Non-local Students 2 Payment Terms
Form 1 HKD$58,000   HKD$133,672


 10 installments
(from September 2024 to June 2025)

Form 2 HKD$55,000  HKD$130,672
Form 3 HKD$57,000  HKD$132,672
Form 4 HKD$54,000  HKD$142,888
Form 5 DSE HKD$50,500  HKD$139,388
Form 6 DSE HKD$48,000  HKD$136,888  5 installments
(from September 2024 to January 2025)
Form 5 GCE HKD$62,000  HKD$150,888  10 installments
(from September 2024 to June 2025)
Form 6 GCE HKD$62,000  HKD$150,888  5 installments
(from September 2024 to January 2025)



Local Students
Students holding a dependent visa are classified as 'Local Students'


Non-local Students
'Non-local Students’ are defined as those who require a student visa to study in Hong Kong. According to EDB policy, non-local students are not eligible for the government subsidy. Non-local students are required to pay a differential fee, which is composed of the regular school fee and an additional fee equal to the amount of government subsidy. (The figures shown in the table above are for the current year. The differential fees for all forms will be adjusted upwards once the EDB announces the exact amount of the subsidy in due course.)


The school fee for Form 1 students will remain unchanged for 2 years (i.e. Forms 1 and 2). The school fee will be adjusted upwards by approximately 6% to 9% in Form 3 and then again in Form 5.