First Day of School
Welcome back to the YHKCC big family! Our students came back to school on 4th September in good spirits after enjoying a relaxing and fruitful summer vacation. Despite the unstable weather, Mr. Dion Chen, our Principal, extended a very warm welcome to all the new F.1 and other students at the entrance and was pleased to see all the familiar faces with confident, pleasant smiles. Students were very excited to see one another, exchanging quick hugs and the latest updates.
Students met their class teachers in their classroom and had their first assembly in the school hall. Mr. Boaz Lam, our youth pastor, shared some inspiring philosophies of life with students and Mr. Dion Chen, our Principal encouraged students to strive for excellence in both academic and non-academic aspects with great courage and confidence.
We wish all students a marvelous new school year ahead! Let’s extend our warmest welcome to the new teachers and students again!