10 NOV 2017

Student-Teacher Conference & Parent-Teacher Conference

To provide students with an opportunity to review their learning progress and continue to help them to strive for excellence in their academic studies, the school organized a Student-Teacher Conference on Friday 3rd November. During the conference, Class Teachers discussed the Progress Reports with each of their students individually for approximately 10 – 15 minutes. Immediately after the meeting with the Class Teacher, students completed an assignment where they reflected on and evaluated their performance in the first two months of school, and set themselves specific targets for improvement in each of their subjects. Heads of Year then met with each student to discuss their reflection and new targets.


A Parent-Teacher Conference was held in the afternoon of Friday 3rd November, and the morning and afternoon on Saturday 4th November. Most appointments were scheduled in advance but walk-in sessions were also provided. Many parents of students in all forms came met with teachers to discuss their child’s learning progress.


Both parents and teachers found the interactions fruitful and productive, and parents came away with a better understanding of their children’s strengths and weaknesses in different subjects. The school received lots of positive feedback from parents, especially with regard to the willingness of teachers to spend their weekends at school supporting parents and students.


We hope to continue working closely with parents to support children academically and enhance their learning experiences.