11 JUN 2018

School Visit by Taipei Municipal YuCheng High School, Taiwan

We are glad to have had an exchange programme with 15 teachers from the Taipei Municipal YuCheng High School on 7th June. Our Principal Mr. Dion Chen and Assistant Principal, Ms. Kit Ng gave them a warm welcome upon arrival and then Mr. Chen gave a comprehensive school introduction to the delegates. Many inspiring aspects about teaching and learning were covered in the sharing session. The professional dialogue continued to the lunch gathering. Mr. Chen also shared with them the home-school cooperation and communication between YHKCC and parents through our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) system.  Lesson observation sessions followed that teachers from YuCheng High School joined our lessons including Geography, Integrated Science, English and Liberal Studies to share their appreciation and ideas with our teachers.


It was a fruitful day for both schools and we look forward to having  more professional exchange  programme in the upcoming future.