19 SEP 2022

PTA AGM & Back to School Night 2022-23

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Annual General Meeting & Back to School Night (for parents and students in Form 1) and SEQTA Engage training (for parents of students in Forms 2-6) were held on 15th September. More than 220 parents and teachers and over a hundred students participated in these two events.
The PTA AGM commenced at 6:00 p.m. in the school hall. Mr. Martin Donovan, the Chairperson of the PTA Executive Committee, presented the PTA Annual Report and Mr. Andrew Koo, the second Treasurer, presented the PTA Financial Report for the 2021-2022 school year. Seven new parents were elected to the PTA Executive Committee for 2022-2023. They are Mr. Jamal Mohamed Ashraff, Mr. Martin Donovan, Ms. Hanii Kwok, Ms. Alison Leng, Mrs. Preeti Sharma, Ms. Julie Simon and Mrs. Diana Urmeneta. In addition, Ms. Julie Simon was elected as the Parent Manager of the School Management Committee (SMC). Please join us in congratulating the above parents and continue to support the PTA events this year!


Shortly after a healthy eating talk by the Dietitian for our new canteen service operator, Chartwells, we launched into our Back to School Night. Mariella Clemenson, Vice President of the Student Council, started the event by leading the assembly for the evening. All parents joined us in a Bible reading of our year's scripture, singing the worship song “One Way” and prayers.  This was followed by Ms Diana Lo’s Principal Address, which reiterated our new academic theme of #Icandothis and the major concerns for the year. Ms. Lo also proudly shared the outstanding achievements from both our local and international cohorts in their recent public examinations; leaving us with an inspirational message that if we try hard and persevere, and adopt a growth mindset, we can all achieve great heights.


As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the YHKCC, Ms. Lo asked all parents to join in singing the school song led by Mr. Edgar Caole, reminding us all how “though we fall, we never give in” and that “we will rise for love will win” - echoing the resilience we have in us despite challenging times!


After the assembly, Form 1 parents and students reunited with their class teachers where they went through the devotion of the day and some wellbeing activities before heading off to three interactive and exciting lessons of their choice.


There were many hands-on activities highlighting the interactive, student-centred teaching style the YHKCC adopts, reminding some parents of their own glorious days back in school.


While the Form 1 parents attended lessons, parents of students in Forms 2-6 attended the SEQTA Engage Training. The objective of this workshop was to recap how to use this interactive online system to understand how their children learn and grow in the YHKCC. The main features of the system, such as checking attendance records, subject content and expectations, homework and assignments, timetables, test results, teachers’ feedback, and ways to communicate with the school, were introduced. Also, parents were also informed about a new student attendance checking system, which can be used to easily check the attendance records. Parents found the two systems user-friendly and effective at providing a better understanding of their children’s development in different areas.


The evening ended on a positive note with parents expressing how they really enjoyed the positive, collaborative vibe of the lessons and how learning can be purposeful and fun at the same time. Many parents stayed behind to express their gratitude to teachers for organizing this wonderful event while students also had fun being classmates of their parents (and maybe winning a game or two against them as well)!

We look forward to even more positive engagement between parents and the school in the upcoming events!