10 SEP 2021

PTA AGM cum Back to School Night / SEQTA Engage Training

The Back to School Night (for parents and students in Form 1) and SEQTA Engage training (for parents of students in Forms 2-6) was held on 9th September, immediately after the PTA Annual General Meeting.


The PTA AGM commenced at 6:00 p.m. in the school hall. Ms. Jasmine Chong, the Chairperson of the PTA Executive Committee, presented the PTA Annual Report and Mr. Alchian Au, the second Treasurer, presented the PTA Financial Report for the 2020-2021 school year. Seven new parents were elected to the PTA Executive Committee. They are, Mr. Jamal Mohamed Ashraff, Mr. Standy Chan, Ms. Jasmine Chong, Mr. Martin Donovan, Ms. Hanii Kwok, Ms. Alison Leng and Ms. Julie Simon. In addition, Ms. Julie Simon was elected as the Parent Manager of the School Management Committee (SMC). Please join us in congratulating the above parents and continue to support the PTA events this year!


The Back to School Night kicked off after the PTA AGM. The Principal, Ms. Diana Lo, reiterated the five core values of the school and explained the CARES principles incorporating the 14 intellectual character dispositions which the school aims to develop. Ms. Diana Lo was also proud to share the outstanding achievements in the recent public examinations.


The Form 1 parents and students first met their class teachers to understand the support offered by the Student Wellbeing Team (SWT). The parents went through the devotion and class teachers’ sharing as if they were the students in the class teacher period. A variety of lessons were organized in various locations including the newly-built Trinity Hall, the Integrated Science Laboratory, the Hardground Football  Court,  the Fine Arts Centre and also the Music Block. It was a very good opportunity for parents to experience how their children learn in the YHKCC and the interactive student-centred teaching approaches.  Positive feedback was received from parents for the opportunity to meet the class teachers at the beginning of the school year to strengthen home-school communication. All the participants enjoyed the lessons immensely.


The Form 2-6 parents attended the SEQTA Engage Training in the school hall. The objective was to introduce parents to this convenient and useful online system to understand how their children learn and grow in the YHKCC. The main features of the system, such as checking attendance records, subject content and expectations, homework and assignments, timetables, test results, teachers’ feedback, and ways to communicate with the school, were introduced. Also, a new student attendance checking system was introduced so all the parents can easily check their children’s attendance record. Parents found the two systems user-friendly and effective at providing a better understanding of their children’s development in different areas.