8 JUN 2015

Biology and Geography trip – observation of Pink dolphin, the endangered species

17 students attended the pink dolphin “endangered species biology and geography trip” on Sunday 7 June 2015.


This trip was for all students studying AS Biology and Geography. The purpose of the trip was to experience and learn about a local endangered species, the Sousa chinensis (Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin) that appears on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature of threatened species. This directly links to the Conservation and biodiversity chapter of the CIE A level curriculum as well as the Geography curriculum. A total of 6 dolphins were observed, including juveniles, adults and calves. Much was learned about the threats they face due to man's infringement on their habitat.


Please click http://www.ymcacc.edu.hk/en/gallery/video/index.php to watch the Pink Dolphin video.