12 OCT 2016

School Visit by Foshan No.3 Middle School, China

A group of 25 students and 6 teachers from Foshan No.3 Middle School of China visited us on 3rd and 4th Oct for academic and school life experience exchange.


A warm welcome was given by Mr. Alfred Chan, our Deputy Principal, upon their arrival and then students had a pizza party as a welcome lunch. YHKCC students paired up with the Foshan students and showed them around the spacious campus to see the facilities and experience the international learning environment. The Foshan students were all impressed by our cultural diversity.


On 3rd Oct afternoon and 4th Oct, the Foshan students had lessons with the students to experience the interactive and student-oriented learning style. They all had a great time with fruitful learning experience. To achieve a holistic learning approach, ECA activities would never be left out at YHKCC. Both basketball and football friendlies were arranged after school in those two days. Both teams showed great sportsmanship and excellent team spirit.


It was a rewarding experience for both schools and we all look forward to the next exchange.