17 OCT 2016

School Visit by Xiqiao Middle School, China

On 5th and 6th October, we were glad to have 28 students and 3 teachers from the Xiqiao Middle School (Foshan China) experiencing school life in our school. In the past three years, the Chinese Department organized the Chinese Language and Culture Immersion Programme for students who studied Chinese as their second language in our school to participate in different kinds of learning activities in Nanhai and Xiqiao Middle School. Inreturn, teachers from Xiqiao school arranged their students to visit and shadow our students this time.


Students from Xiqiao were paired up with YHKCC students in the  programme. On 5th October, our Deputy Principal, Mr. Alfred Chan, and some of our students in the  Chinese classes gave Xiquiao students a warm welcome and introduced our international dynamic school learning environment and campus facilities to them before they attended  the  lessons. The Xiqiao students enjoyed theMusic workshops together with our students after school. They were all having great fun and time!


A fruitful sharing and farewell party marked an end of the school visit on 6thOctober. Students exchanged contact, took photos and gave big hugs to one another.. Finally, YHKCC students waved goodbye to the Xiqiao students and all were  excited  to look forward to the next exchange.