School Visit by Ratchathani University (Thailand)
On 25th April, a group of 90 master’s degree students and 2 teachers, Mrs. Surangkana Manyanon, PhD and Assistant Professor Thongsook Wansaen from Ratchathani University of Thailand visited us for an academic exchange programme. The Master’s students are to-be primary or secondary school teachers.
Our Deputy Principal, Mr. Alfred Chan, gave them a warm welcome and shared our school mission, vision, core values and also the importance of home-school cooperation with them. After the brief introduction of the school, the Ratchathani students were divided into 4 groups to have an interactive question-and-answer session with our teachers. They showed great interest in our school’s operation, curriculum, teaching pedagogies, etc.
After that, a school tour was arranged and they were all impressed by our spacious, well-equipped campus as well as the dynamic, international style learning environment. It was a fruitful exchange.